Google Testing GBuy New Online-Payment Option

Wall Street Journal

Dave’s Comments (Digital Marketing Tutorial Blog): Here’s an interesting twist on GBuy from analyst Jordan Rohan at RBC in the UK – Google might be building a one ID, one password system to rival Microsoft’s Passport system, and not directly targeting eBay’s PayPal service: “In other words, a user signed up with Google for GMail, Google Base, and now GBuy will be able engage in all kinds of activity on the web (including shop and pay) without having to log in to different services from different vendors; in concept, GBuy may be one piece of a larger “passport”-like system currently in place at MSN/ Hotmail.”

“Web-search giant Google Inc. is set to introduce a test version of its GBuy online-payment service as early as this week, according to people briefed on the situation. The service, which would challenge eBay Inc.’s PayPal online-payment service and others, has been expected for several months. To attract consumers, Google plans to offer an unspecified rebate to people who complete online purchases using GBuy, according to one person briefed on the company’s plans.”

Read the entire article on WSJ.COM.